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Conversions between number and string of sequential letters

Number to string of sequential letters

The following VBA function converts a number value to corresponding alphapetical sequence of letters.


givenInt: between 1 and 2,147,483,647


Return value is a string depending on the given parameter.

Function Num2String(givenInt As Long) As String
'Number to string:
'Converts given numbervalue to corresponding
'sequential string consisting of letters
'Author: Mika Oukka,
'may 8, 2014
    Dim tempVal As Double
    Dim letterVal As String
    If givenInt <> 0 Then
        tempVal = givenInt
            If Int(tempVal) Mod 26 = 0 Then
                letterVal = "Z"
                letterVal = Chr(64 + Int(tempVal) Mod 26)
            End If
            Num2String = letterVal + Num2String
            If Left(Num2String, 1) = "Z" Then
                tempVal = tempVal - 1
            End If
            tempVal = (tempVal) / 26
        Loop Until tempVal <= 1
    End If
End Function



Input Returns
1 "A"
2 "B"
26 "Z"
27 "AA"
16384 "XFD"
1000000 "BDWGN"

String of sequential letters to number

The following VBA function converts an alphapetical sequence of letters to corresponding number value.

Function String2Number(givenString As String) As Long
'Converting String to number:
'Converts given string consisting of letters
'to corresponding numeric value
'Author: Mika Oukka,
'may 12, 2020
    Dim numberPlace As Long, letterIndex As Long, i As Long
    letterIndex = 0
    For i = Len(givenString) To 1 Step -1
        String2Number = String2Number + _
            (Asc(Mid(givenString, i, 1)) - 64) * 26 ^ letterIndex
        letterIndex = letterIndex + 1
End Function



Input Returns
A 1
B 2
Z 26
AA 27
XFD 16384
BDWGN 1000000

Last modified on October 02 2024

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